Hope you don't mind me sharing this but I would like to raise awareness and support for a gentleman called Jamie Tierney, who was a player with our management team's former club, Kinross Colts.
Taken from their page:
"In March 2022 their world fell apart when Jamie and his wife's 3 year old son (also called) Jamie was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
This was instant heartbreak for us after our research on the disease. Duchenne , knowing as DMD is a terminal illness which is found mainly in boys , it effects approximately 1 in 5000 live male births.
DMD is a muscle wasting disease which effects all muscles in the body including lungs heart and brain.
The information that we recieved is our boy will face a life of struggle, will be wheel chair bound between 8-10 years old and would deteriorate infront of our eyes , with the average life expectancy of mid 20s.
There is currently no cure for this disease, however we will never give up or stop fighting to save our son's life. We are so grateful to announce that we have recently received confirmation that Jamie can get a specialised treatment in South America every 4 months.This treatment will cost us around £60,000 annually but will help us slow this disease down hopefully giving Jamie a better chance and quality of life, with us constantly fighting and praying a cure comes. The funds will go towards Wee Jamie’s Journey and helping save our boys life and we will continue to help support all other boys fighting DMD.
With all this in mind Jamie is still our little best friend he never fails to make us laugh and smile , he's just your typical boy , loves pretending he's a monster or a dinosaur chasing us around or just cuddling in on the couch watching movies . He loves being outdoors playing in puddles or sandpits , he truly is the love of our life and we will do whatever it takes to save him. We are truly grateful for any donations we may receive no matter how little or large.
If in the future we are lucky enough to secure a cure for Jamie all funds raised that is remaining will be donated to help other boys in our son's position to hopefully help change the lives of everyone diagnosed with this devastating disease."
We at Newburgh want to help raise awareness to this terrible disease and support young Jamie, who remember is only 3 years old.
If you're able to support something - anything - it would be amazing.
We would also like to welcome Jamie and his parents to a forthcoming game as our special guests.
But if you're able to offer a little help, please visit their funding page: https://gofund.me/05e6b79f